ME 8594 Dynamics of Machines Mcq

                        Mechanical Engineering 

                                        Dynamics of Machines

                                     Multiple choices Question

                                                                  Unit 1 - Force Analysis

1.   1 When the crank is at the inner dead centre, in a horizontal reciprocating steam engine, then the velocity of the piston will be

(a) zero

(b) minimum

(c) maximum


2.      2.The acceleration of the piston in a reciprocating steam engine is given by

where ω = Angular velocity of the crank,

r = Radius of the crank,

θ = Angle turned by the crank from inner dead centre, and

n = Ratio of length of connecting rod to crank radius.

Ans : (D)

1.   3.   A rigid body, under the action of external forces, can be replaced by two masses placed at a fixed distance apart. The two masses form an equivalent dynamical system, if

(a) the sum of two masses is equal to the total mass of the body

(b) the centre of gravity of the two masses coincides with that of the body

(c) the sum of mass moment of inertia of the masses about their centre of gravity is equal to the mass moment of inertia of the body

(d) all of the above

1.     4. The essential condition of placing the two masses, so that the system becomes dynamically equivalent is

 (a) l1 .l2 = kG2

 (b) l1 .l2 = kG

 (c) l1  = kG

 (d) l2 = kG

where l1 and l2 = Distance of two masses from the centre of gravity of the body, and

 kG = Radius of gyration of the body.


2.     5. In an engine, the work done by inertia forces in a cycle is

(a) positive

(b) zero

(c) negative

(d) none of these

1.      6.The maximum fluctuation of energy is the

(a) sum of maximum and minimum energies

(b) difference between the maximum and minimum energies

(c) ratio of the maximum energy and minimum energy

(d) ratio of the mean resisting torque to the work done per cycle


2.      7..In a turning moment diagram, the variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque line is called

(a) fluctuation of energy

(b) maximum fluctuation of energy

(c) coefficient of fluctuation of energy

(d) none of the above


3.     8. The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called

(a) fluctuation of speed

(b) maximum fluctuation of speed

(c) coefficient of fluctuation of speed

(d) none of these


4.   9.   The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the, ......... is called coefficient of fluctuation  of energy.

(a) minimum fluctuation of energy

(b) work done per cycle

1.     10The maximum fluctuation of energy in a flywheel is equal to

Ans : (D)

11.      Force which does not act on the connecting rod is ______
a) Weight of connecting rod
b) Inertia force of connecting rod
c) Radial force
d) Coriolis force

12.      Inertia forces on the reciprocating parts acts along the line of stroke.
a) True
b) False

13.       When mass of the reciprocating parts is neglected then the inertia force is _____
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 0
d) Not defined

14.      For a steam engine, the following data is given:
Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m ; centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
calculate inertia force at θ=30 degrees from IDC.
a) 19000 N
b) 19064 N
c) 19032 N
d) 20064 N

15.      Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m; centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
Find the equivalent length L of a simple pendulum swung about an axis.
a) 1.35 m
b) 1.42 m
c) 1.48 m
d) 1.50 m

16.      From the data given:
Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m ; centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
Find the correcting couple in N-m?
a) 52.7
b) 49.5
c) 59.5

17.      Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m, mass of reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation = 125 r.p.m; centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the connecting rod about an axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
Find angular acceleration of connecting rod in rad/s2.
a) 16.782
b) 17.824
c) 15.142
d) 17.161

18.       Torque due to weight of the connecting rod affects the torque due to connecting rod.
a) True

b) False

19.In the figure given below, the quantity represented by the arrow is known as ___________

      a) Maximum Torque
b) Minimum Torque
c) Maximum Force
d) Mean resisting torque

20.      Turning moment is maximum when the crank angle is 90 degrees.
a) True
b) False

21.The curve abc in figure below is known as _________

      a) Instroke

    b) Outstroke
    c) Positive couple
   d) Negative couple

22. The curve cde in figure below is known as _________

a) Instroke
b) Outstroke
     c) Positive couple
       d) Negative couple

23.      When engine torque is more than mean resisting torque, then the flywheel _______
a) Has uniform velocity
b) Has 0 velocity
c) Has acceleration
d) Has retardation

24.      When engine torque is less than mean resisting torque, then the flywheel _______
b) Has 0 velocity
c) Has acceleration
d) Has retardation

25.      Area of the turning moment diagram represents _______
a) Work done
b) Work done per revolution
c) Power generated
d) Power generated per revolution

26.      In actual practice, engine is assumed to work against the mean resisting torque.
a) True
b) False


27.      In a four stroke I.C. engine, the turning moment during the compression stroke is
a) positive throughout
b) negative throughout
c) positive during major portion of the stroke
d) negative during major portion of the stroke

28.      The maximum fluctuation of energy is the

a) difference between the maximum and minimum energies
b) sum of the maximum and minimum energies
c) variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque to the
d) ratio of the mean resisting torque to the workdone per cycle

29.      The co-efficient of fluctuation of energy is the ratio of maximum energy to the minimum energy.
a) True
b) False

30.      Which of the following statement is wrong?

a) The difference between the maximum and minimum energies is called maximum fluctuation of energy.
b) The co-efficient of fluctuation of speed is the ratio of maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed.
c) The variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque line is known as fluctuation of energy.
d) None of the mentioned

31.      The ratio of maximum fluctuation of energy to the workdone per cycle is called
a) fluctuation of energy
b) maximum fluctuation of energy
c) coefficient of fluctuation of speed
d) none of the mentioned

32.  Maximum fluctuation of energy in a flywheel is equal to
a) Iω(ω1 – ω2)
b) Iω2CS
c) 2ECS
d) all of the mentioned

33.  A flywheel is fitted to the crankshaft of an engine having W as the amount of indicated work per revolution and permissible limits of coefficient of fluctuation of energy and speed as CE and CS respectively. The kinetic energy of the flywheel is given by
a) 2WCE/CS
b) WCE/2CS
d) WCS/2CE

34.  If the rotating mass of a rim type flywheel is distributed on another rim type flywheel whose mean radius is half the mean radius of the former, then energy stored in the latter at the same speed will be
a) four times the first one
b) same as the first one
c) one fourth of the first one
d) one and a half times the first one

35.  The ratio of maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called
a) fluctuation of energy
b) maximum fluctuation of energy
c) coefficient of fluctuation of speed
d) none of the mentioned

36.  The flywheel of a machine having weight of 4500 N and radius of gyration of 2 m has cyclic fluctuation of speed from 125 r.p.m to 120 r.p.m. Assuming g = 10m/s2, the maximum fluctuation of energy is
a) 12822 N-m
b) 24200 N-m
c) 14822 N-m
d) 12100 N-m

37. A circular solid disc of uniform thickness 20 mm, radius 200 mm and mass 20 kg, is used as a flywheel. If it rotates at 600 rpm, the kinetic energy of the flywheel, in Joules is
a) 395
b) 790
c) 1580
d) 3160

38.      For a certain engine having an average speed of 1200 rpm, a flywheel approximated as a solid disc, is required for keeping the fluctuation of speed within 2% about the average speed. The fluctuation of kinetic energy per cycle is found to be 2 kJ. What is the least possible mass of the flywheel if its diameter is not to exceed 1 m ?
a) 40 kg
b) 51 kg
c) 62 kg
d) 73 kg

Unit 2 - Balancing

1.      The balancing of rotating and reciprocating parts of an engine is necessary when it runs at

(a) slow speed

(b)  medium speed    

 (c) high speed

2.      A disturbing mass m1 attached to a rotating shaft may be balanced by a single mass m2 attached in the same plane of rotation as that of m1 such that

(a) m1.r2 = m2.r1

(b)  m1.r1 = m2.r2      

(c) m1. m2 = r1.r2

3.      For static balancing of a shaft,

(a) the net dynamic force acting on the shaft is equal to zero

(b) the net couple due to the dynamic forces acting on the shaft is equal to zero

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above

4.      For dynamic balancing of a shaft,

(a) the net dynamic force acting on the shaft is equal to zero

(b) the net couple due to dynamic forces acting on the shaft is equal to zero

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above

5.      In order to have a complete balance of the several revolving masses in different planes

(a) the resultant force must be zero

(b) the resultant couple must be zero

(c) both the resultant force and couple must be zero

(d) none of the above



6.      The primary unbalanced force is maximum when the angle of inclination of the crank with the line of stroke is


(b)    90°

(c)    180°

(d)    360°

7.      The partial balancing means

(a) balancing partially the revolving masses

(b) balancing partially the reciprocating masses

(c) best balancing of engines

(d) all of the above

8.      In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position, the cranks of a locomotive, with two cylinders, are placed at . . . . . . to each other.

(a) 45°

(b) 90°

(c) 120°

(d) 180°

9.      In a locomotive, the ratio of the connecting rod length to the crank radius is kept very large in order to

(a) minimise the effect of primary forces

(b) minimise the effect of secondary forces

(c) have perfect balancing

(d) start the locomotive quickly 

10.      If c be the fraction of the reciprocating parts of mass m to be balanced per cylinder of a steam locomotive with crank radius r, angular speed ω, distance between centre lines of two cylinders a, then the magnitude of the maximum swaying couple is given b

Ans : (B)

11.      The swaying couple is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination of the crank to the line of stroke ( θ ) is equal to

(a) 45° and 135°

(b) 90° and 135°

(c) 135° and 225°

(d) 45° and 225°

12.      The tractive force is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination of the crank to the line of stroke ( θ ) is equal to

(a) 90° and 225°

(b) 135° and 180°

(c) 180° and 225°

(d) 135° and 315°

13.      The swaying couple is due to the

(a) primary unbalanced force

(b) secondary unbalanced force

(c) two cylinders of locomotive

(d) partial balancing

14.      In a locomotive, the maximum magnitude of the unbalanced force along the perpendicular to the line of stroke, is known as

(a ) tractive force

(b) swaying couple

(c) hammer blow

(d) none of these

15.      The effect of hammer blow in a locomotive can be reduced by

(a) decreasing the speed

(b) using two or three pairs of wheels coupled together

(c) balancing whole of the reciprocating parts

(d) both (a) and (b)

16.      Multi-cylinder engines are desirable because

(a) only balancing problems are reduced

(b) only flywheel size is reduced

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these

17.      When the primary direct crank of a reciprocating engine makes an angle θ with the line of stroke, then the secondary direct crank will make an angle of . . . . . with the line of stroke.

(a) θ /2

(b) θ




18.      Secondary forces in reciprocating mass on engine frame are

(a) of same frequency as of primary forces

(b) twice the frequency as of primary forces

(c) four times the frequency as of primary forces

(d) none of the above


19.      The secondary unbalanced force produced by the reciprocating parts of a certain cylinder of a given engine with crank radius r and connecting rod length l can be considered as equal to primary unbalanced force produced by the same weight having

(a) an equivalent crank radius r2/4l and rotating at twice the speed of the engine

(b) r2/4l as equivalent crank radius and rotating at engine speed

(c) equivalent crank length of r2/4l and rotating at engine speed

(d) none of the above


20.  Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) In any engine, 100% of the reciprocating masses can be balanced dynamically

(b) In the case of balancing of multicylinder engine, the value of secondary force is higher than the value of the primary force

(c) In the case of balancing of multi mass rotating systems, dynamic balancing can be directly started without static balancing done to the system

(d) none of the above.


21.  Which of the following statements are associated with complete dynamic balancing of rotating systems?
1. Resultant couple due to all inertia forces is zero.
2. Support reactions due to forces are zero but not due to couples.
3. The system is automatically statically balanced.
4. Centre of masses of the system lies on the axis of rotation.
a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
b) 1, 2, and 3 only
c) 2, 3 and 4 only
d) 1, 3 and 4 only

22.  Which of the following statements is correct about the balancing of a mechanical system?
a) If it is under static balance, then there will be dynamic balance also
b) If it is under dynamic balance, then there will be static balance also
c) Both static as well as dynamic balance have to be achieved separately
d) None of the mentioned

23.  The magnitude of swaying couple due to partial balance of the primary unbalancing force in locomotive is
a) inversely proportional to the reciprocating mass
b) directly proportional to the square of the distance between the centre lines of the two cylinders
c) inversely proportional to the distance between the centerlines of the two cylinders
d) directly proportional to the distance between the centerlines of the two cylinders

24.  In a locomotive, the ratio of the connecting rod length to the crank radius is kept very large in order to
a) minimize the effect of primary forces
b) minimize the effect of secondary forces
c) have perfect balancing
d) start the locomotive conveniently

25.  In case of partial balancing of locomotives, the maximum magnitude of the unbalanced force perpendicular to the line of stroke is called hammer blow and this has to be limited by proper choice of the balancing mass and its radial position.
a) True
b) False

26.  Multi-cylinder engines are desirable because
a) only balancing problems are reduced
b) only flywheel size is reduced
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned

27.  When the primary direct crank of a reciprocating engine makes an angle θ with the line of stroke, then the secondary direct crank will make an angle of . . . . . with the line of stroke.
a) θ /2
b) θ
c) 2 θ
d) 4 θ

28.  Secondary forces in reciprocating mass on engine frame are
a) of same frequency as of primary forces
b) twice the frequency as of primary forces
c) four times the frequency as of primary forces
d) none of the mentioned

29.  From the given data, find the balancing mass in Kg if r=0.2m required in the same plane.Masses = 200kg, 300kg, 240 kg, 260Kg, corresponding radii = 0.2m, 0.15m, 0.25m and 0.3m.
Angles between consecutive masses = 45, 75 and 135 degrees.
a) 116
b) 58
c) 232
d) 140

30.  2. Graphical method gives the best results.
a) True
b) False

Unit 3 - Free Vibration


1.    1.  When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, then the body is said to have

(a) free vibration

(b) forced vibration

(c) damped vibration

2.      2..Longitudinal vibrations are said to occur when the particles of a body moves

(a) perpendicular to its axis

(b) parallel to its axis

(c) in a circle about its axis

3.      3.When a body is subjected to transverse vibrations, the stress induced in a body will be

(a) shear stress

(b) tensile stress

(c) compressive stress

4.    4.  The natural frequency (in Hz) of free longitudinal vibrations is equal to

Ans : (D)

5.    The factor which affects the critical speed of a shaft is

(a) diameter of the disc

(b) span of the shaft

(c) eccentricity

(d) all of these

2.    6.  The equation of motion for a vibrating system with viscous damping is

If the roots of this equation are real, then the system will be

(a) over damped

(b) under damped

(c) critically damped

3.    7.  In under damped vibrating system, if x1 and x2 are the successive values of the amplitude on the same side of the mean position, then the logarithmic decrement is equal to

Ans : (B)

1.  8.The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to the static force, is known as

(a)  damping factor

(b) damping coefficient

(c)  logarithmic decrement

(d) magnification factor

2.     9. In vibration isolation system, if / n ωω is less than 2 , then for all values of the damping factor, the transmissibility will be

(a) less than unity 

(b)  equal to unity

(c) greater than unity

(d) zero  

where   ω = Circular frequency of the system in rad/s, and     

ωn = Natural circular frequency of vibration of the system in rad/s. 10.

3.    10.  In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn > 1, then the phase difference between the transmitted force and the disturbing force is

(a) 0°

(b) 90°

(c) 180°

(d) 270°

 11. In the figure given below, the points N1 and N2 are known as_______

a) Nodes
b) Elastic points
c) Inelastic points
d) Breaking points

12.      In a three rotor system, free torsional vibration cannot occur if there is only one node.
a) True
b) False

13.      In which of the following condition torsional vibration will not take place, considering 3 rotors A, B and C. A is rotating in clockwise direction.
a) B in clockwise C in anticlockwise
b) C in clockwise B in anticlockwise
c) B and C in clockwise
d) B and C in anticlockwise

14.      For occurrence of free torsional vibration in a three rotor system which of the condition is necessary?
a) Rotors moving in same direction
b) Rotors having same frequency
c) Rotors having different frequency
d) Rotors rotate in the same sense

15.the given figure, considering left end has one rotor, If the mass moment of inertia of the shaft till node N1 is increased to four times, then what will be the effect on free torsional vibrations of a rotor at left end of N1?

a) Increases 4 times
b) Increases 2 times
c) Decreases 4 times
d) Decreases 2 times

16.In the given figure if N1 is the node then N1Q acts as which of the following system?
a) Single rotor system
b) Two rotor system
c) Three rotor system
d) Four rotor system

16.      Keeping the mass moment of inertia of left end and the right end shafts in a three rotor system same, if the length of one shaft is doubled what should be the effect on the length of other shaft?
b) Halved
c) Constant
d) Increased to 4 times

17.      Free torsional vibrations will occur in a three rotor system only if all rotors have same frequency.
b) False

18      What is the total number of nodes formed in a three rotor system if the rotors at one of the ends and the one in the middle rotate in the same direction?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

19.For a three rotor system in the figure given below, the length of one shaft(P) is twice the other(Q), then what is the relation between the Mass moment of inertia of the shafts.

a) 2I(P) = I(Q)
b) I(P) = 2I(Q)
c) I(P) = I(Q)
d) 2I(P) = 3I(Q)

20.      In a three rotor system, for the middle rotor, if the stiffness of both the length either side of the rotor is increased to two times what will be the effect on total stiffness of the middle rotor?
a) Remains constant
b) Decreases by two times
c) Increases by two times
d) Increases by 4 times


21.      From the following data, calculate the equivalent length of shaft in m.
d1=0.095m, d2=0.06m, d3=0.05m
a) 8.95
b) 7.95
c) 6.95
d) 5.95

22.      In a system with different shaft parameters, the longest shaft is taken for calculations.
a) True
b) False

23.      From the following data, calculate natural frequency of free torsional vibrations in Hz.
l1=0.6m, l2=0.5m, l3=0.4m
d1=0.095m, d2=0.06m, d3=0.05m
Ma = 900 Kg, Mb = 700 Kg
ka = 0.85m, kb = 0.55m
C = 80 GN/m2
a) 3.37
b) 7.95
c) 6.95
d) 5.95

24.      From the following data, calculate the location of node from the left end of shaft (l1).
l1=0.6m, l2=0.5m, l3=0.4m
d1=0.095m, d2=0.06m, d3=0.05m
Ma = 900 Kg, Mb = 700 Kg
ka = 0.85m, kb = 0.55m
a) 0.855m
b) 0.795m
c) 0.695m
d) 0.595m

25.      For a vibration system having different shaft parameters, calculate which of the following cannot be the diameter of the equivalent shaft if the diameters of shafts in m are: 0.05, 0.06, 0.07.
a) 0.05
b) 0.06
c) 0.07
d) 0.08

26.      A single cylinder oil engine works with a three rotor system, the shaft length is 2.5m and 70mm in diameter, the middle rotor is at a distance 1.5m from one end. Calculate the free torsional vibration frequency for a single node system in Hz if the mass moment of inertia of rotors in Kg-m2 are: 0.15, 0.3 and 0.09. C=84 kN/mm2
a) 171
b) 181
c) 191
d) 201

27.      A single cylinder oil engine works with a three rotor system, the shaft length is 2.5m and 70mm in diameter, the middle rotor is at a distance 1.5m from one end. Calculate the free torsional vibration frequency for a two node system in Hz if the mass moment of inertia of rotors in Kg-m2 are: 0.15, 0.3 and 0.09. C=84 kN/mm2
a) 257
b) 281
c) 197
d) 277

28.      Frequency is independent of the no. of nodes.
a) True
b) False

29.  The ratio of the actual damping coefficient (c) to the critical damping coefficient (cc ) is known as _________
a) Damping factor
b) Damping coefficient
c) Resistive factor
d) Resistive coefficient

30.  Calculate critical damping coefficient in Ns/m from the following data.
mass = 200Kg
ω = 20rad/s
a) 25,132
b) 26,132
c) 27,132
d) Not possible

31.   Calculate critical damping coefficient in N/m/s from the following data:
mass = 100Kg
ω = 40rad/s
a) 25,132
b) 26,132
c) 27,132
d) 28,132

32. Calculate critical damping coefficient in N/m/s from the following data:
mass = 100Kg
ω = 10rad/s
a) 5,132
b) 6,283
c) 7,132
d) 8,132

33. Calculate damping ratio from the following data:
mass = 200Kg
ω = 20rad/s
damping coefficient = 800 N/m/s
a) 0.03
b) 0.04
c) 0.05
d) 0.06

34. Calculate damping ratio from the following data:
mass = 200Kg
ω = 20rad/s
damping coefficient = 1000 N/m/s
a) 0.03
b) 0.04
c) 0.05
d) 0.06

35. Unit of damping factor is N/m/s.
a) True
b) False

36. Magnification factor is the ratio of the maximum displacement due to forced vibrations to the deflection due to _______
a) Static force
b) Dynamic force
c) Torsion
d) Compression

37. Maximum displacement due to forced vibration is dependent on deflection due to static force.
a) True
b) False

38. In which of the cases the factor c = 0?
a) When there is damping
b) No damping
c) Resonance
d) c is never 0

39. A body of mass 20 kg is suspended from a spring which deflects 20mm under this load. Calculate the frequency of free vibrations in Hz.
a) 3.5
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7

40. If the mass increases, then the frequency of the free vibrations increases.
a) True
b) False

Unit 4 - Forced  Vibration

1.      When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, then the body is said to have
 b) forced vibration
 c) damped vibration
 d) none of the mentioned

2.      Longitudinal vibrations are said to occur when the particles of a body moves
b) parallel to its axis
c) in a circle about its axis
d) none of the mentioned

 3. When a body is subjected to transverse vibrations, the stress induced in a body will be
a) shear stress
b) tensile stress
c) compressive stress
d) none of the mentione

4.  The natural frequency (in Hz) of free longitudinal vibrations is equal to
b) 1/2π√g/δ
c) 0.4985/δ
d) all of the mentioned

5.  The factor which affects the critical speed of a shaft is
b) span of the shaft
c) eccentricity
d) all of the mentioned

 6. The equation of motion for a vibrating system with viscous damping is

d2x/dt2 + c/m X dx/dt + s/m X x = 0
If the roots of this equation are real, then the system will be
a) over damped
b) under damped
c) critically damped
d) none of the mentioned

  7. In under damped vibrating system, if x1 and x2 are the successive values of the amplitude on the same side of the mean position, then the logarithmic decrement is equal to
a) x1/x2
b) log (x1/x2)
c) loge (x1/x2)
d) log (x1.x2

8. The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to the static force, is known as
a) damping factor
b) damping coefficient
c) logarithmic decrement
d) magnification factor

 9. In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn is less than √2 , then for all values of the damping factor, the transmissibility will be

a) less than unity
b) equal to unity
c) greater than unity
d) zero
where ω = Circular frequency of the system in rad/s, and
ωn = Natural circular frequency of vibration of the system in rad/s.

10. In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn > 1, then the phase difference between the transmitted force and the disturbing force is
a) 0°
b) 90°
c) 180°
d) 270°

11.  The ratio of the actual damping coefficient (c) to the critical damping coefficient (cc ) is known as _________
b) Damping coefficient
c) Resistive factor
d) Resistive coefficient

12.   Calculate critical damping coefficient in Ns/m from the following data.
ω = 20rad/s
a) 25,132
b) 26,132
c) 27,132
d) Not possible

13.  Calculate critical damping coefficient in N/m/s from the following data:
ω = 40rad/s
a) 25,132
b) 26,132
c) 27,132
d) 28,132

14. Calculate critical damping coefficient in N/m/s from the following data:
ω = 10rad/s
a) 5,132
b) 6,283
c) 7,132
d) 8,132

15. Calculate damping ratio from the following data:
ω = 20rad/s
damping coefficient = 800 N/m/s
a) 0.03
b) 0.04
c) 0.05
d) 0.06

16. Calculate damping ratio from the following data:
ω = 20rad/s
damping coefficient = 1000 N/m/s
a) 0.03
b) 0.04
c) 0.05
d) 0.06

17.   Unit of damping factor is N/m/s.
b) False

18.  Magnification factor is the ratio of the maximum displacement due to forced vibrations to the deflection due to _______
b) Dynamic force
c) Torsion
d) Compression

19. Maximum displacement due to forced vibration is dependent on deflection due to static force.
b) False

20. In which of the cases the factor c = 0?
b) No damping
c) Resonance
d) c is never 0

21.  A body of mass 20 kg is suspended from a spring which deflects 20mm under this load. Calculate the frequency of free vibrations in Hz.
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7

22.  If the mass increases, then the frequency of the free vibrations increases.
b) False

23.  Which of the following systems produce a vibration in the foundation?
b) Balanced machine
c) Coupled machine
d) Uncoupled machine

24.   When a periodic disturbing force is applied to a machine, the force is transmitted to the foundation by the means of spring.
b) False

25.  Which of the following is correct regarding isolation factor?
b) Has Newton as its unit
c) Has joule as its Unit
d) Has Hz as its unit

26.  Which of the following is a type of transmitted force to the foundation?
b) Undamping force
c) Tensile force
d) Torsional force

27.  If the damper is not provided and the system is in resonance, which of the following is the correct isolation factor?
b) 1/2
c) 1/4
d) Infinity

28. If isolation factor is negative, then what is the phase difference between transmitted and disturbing force?
b) 90°
c) 450°
d) 360°

29.  Which of the following is true regarding Ɛ>1?
b) Transmitted force is less than applied force
c) Spring force is less than applied force
d) Damping force is less than applied force

30.  Isolation factor is twice the transmissibility ratio.
b) False

Unit 5  - Mechanism  for control

1.  1.    The height of a Watt’s governor (in metres) in equal to

(a) 8.95/N2

(b) 89.5/N2

(c) 895/N2

(d) 8950/N2

where    N = Speed of the arm and ball about the spindle axis.

2.    2.  The ratio of the height of a Porter governor (when the length of arms and links are equal) to the height of a Watt’s governor is

Ans :(C)

1.   3.   When the sleeve of a Porter governor moves upwards, the governor speed

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) remains unaffected

2.   4.   A Hartnell governor is a

(a) pendulum type governor

(b) spring loaded governor

(c) dead weight governor

(d) inertia governor

3.   5.   Which of the following governor is used to drive a gramophone ?

(a) Watt governor

(b) Porter governor

(c) Pickering governor

(d) Hartnell governor

4.    6.  Which of the following is a spring controlled governor?

(a) Hartnell

(b) Hartung

(c) Pickering

(d) all of these

5.    7.  For two governors A and B, the lift of sleeve of governor A is more than that of governor B, for a given fractional change in speed. It indicates that

(a) governor A is more sensitive than governor B

(b) governor B is more sensitive than governor A

(c) both governors A and B are equally sensitive

(d) none of the above

6.     8. The sensitiveness of a governor is given by

Ans: (B)

1.  9.    In a Hartnell governor, if a spring of greater stiffness is used, then the governor will be

(a) more sensitive

(b) less sensitive

(c) isochronous

2.   10.   A governor is said to be hunting, if the speed of the engine

(a) remains constant at the mean speed

(b) is above the mean speed

(c) is below the mean speed

(d) fluctuates continuously above and below the mean speed.

3.   11.   A hunting governor is

(a) more stable

(b) less sensitive

(c) more sensitive

(d) none of these

4.   12.   Isochronism in a governor is desirable when

(a) the engine operates at low speeds

(b) the engine operates at high speeds

(c) the engine operates at variable speeds

(d) one speed is desired under one load

5.     13The power of a governor is equal to

Ans: (D)

1.     14. When the relation between the controlling force (FC ) and radius of rotation (r) for a spring controlled governor is FC  = a.r + b, then the governor will be

(a) stable

(b) unstable

(c) isochronous

2.    15.  For a governor, if FC is the controlling force, r is the radius of rotation of the balls, the stability of the governor will be ensured when

Ans: (A)

1.      16.A disc is spinning with an angular velocity ω rad/s about the axis of spin. The couple applied to the disc causing precession will be

Ans :(D)

1.  17.    A disc spinning on its axis at 20 rad/s will undergo precession when a torque 100 N-m is applied about an axis normal to it at an angular speed, if mass moment of inertia of the disc is the 1 kg-m2

(a) 2 rad/s

(b) 5 rad/s

(c) 10 rad/s

(d) 20 rad/s

2.     18. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail end and the aeroplane takes a turn to the left. The effect of the gyroscopic couple on the aeroplane will be

(a) to raise the nose and dip the tail

(b) to dip the nose and raise the tail

(c) to raise the nose and tail

(d) to dip the nose and tail

3.    19.  The air screw of an aeroplane is rotating clockwise when looking from the front. If it makes a left turn, the gyroscopic effect will

(a) tend to depress the nose and raise the tail

(b) tend to raise the nose and depress the tail

(c) tilt the aeroplane

(d) none of the above

4.      20.The rotor of a ship rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the stern and the ship takes a left turn. The effect of the gyroscopic couple acting on it will be

(a) to raise the bow and stern

(b) to lower the bow and stern

(c) to raise the bow and lower the stern

(d) to lower the bow and raise the stern

5.     21. When the pitching of a ship is upward, the effect of gyroscopic couple acting on it will be

(a) to move the ship towards port side

(b) to move the ship towards star-board

(c) to raise the bow and lower the stern

(d) to raise the stern and lower the bow


6.   22.   In an automobile, if the vehicle makes a left turn, the gyroscopic torque

(a) increases the forces on the outer wheels

(b) decreases the forces on the outer wheels

(c) does not affect the forces on the outer wheels

(d) none of the above


7.    23.  A motor car moving at a certain speed takes a left turn in a curved path. If the engine rotates in the same direction as that of wheels, then due to the centrifugal forces

(a) the reaction on the inner wheels increases and on the outer wheels decreases

(b) the reaction on the outer wheels increases and on the inner wheels decreases

(c) the reaction on the front wheels increases and on the rear wheels decreases

(d) the reaction on the rear wheels increases and on the front wheels decreases


24.     It is required to lift water at the top of a high building at the rate of 50 litres/min. Assuming the losses due to friction equivalent to 5 m and those due to leakage equal to 5 m head of water, efficiency of pump 90%, decide the kilowatt capacity of motor required to drive the pump.
a) 0.102 kW
b) 0.202 kW
c) 0.302 kW
d) 0.402 kW

25.      A power screw is rotated at constant angular speed of 1.5 revolutions/sec by applying a steady torque of 1.5Nm. How much work is done per revolution? What is the power required?
a) 141.36 W
b) 241.36 W
c) 341.36 W
d) 441.36 W

26.  Power is transmitted by an electric motor to a machine by using a belt drive. The tensions on the tight and slack side of the belt are 2200 N and 1000 N respectively and diameter of the pulley is 600 mm. If speed of the motor is 1500 r.p.m, find the power transmitted.
a) 46.548 kW
b) 56.548 kW
c) 66.548 kW
d) 76.548 kW

27.  The flywheel of an engine has a mass of 200 kg and radius of gyration equal to 1 m. The average torque on the flywheel is 1200 Nm. Find the angular acceleration of flywheel and the angular speed after 10 seconds starting from rest.
a) 3 rad/s
b) 4 rad/s
c) 5 rad/s
d) 6 rad/s

28.  Calculate the moment of inertia and radius of gyration of a solid sphere of mass 10 kg and diameter 6.5m about its centroidal axis.
a) 2.055 m
b) 3.055 m
c) 4.055 m
d) 5.055 m

29.  Calculate the work done per minute by a punch tool making 20 working strokes per min when a 30 mm diametre hole is punched in 5 mm thick plate with ultimate shear strength og 450 Mpa in each stroke.
a) 10.69 kNm
b) 20.69 kNm
c) 30.69 kNm
d) 40.69 kNm

30.  In latitude 25.0 S, SA (spin axis) of a FG (free gyro) is in position S40E and horizontal. Find the tilt after 6 hours.
a) 61.16 up
b) 61.16 down
c) 51.15 up
d) none of the mentioned

31.  The steering of a ship means
a) movement of a complete ship up and down in vertical plane about transverse axis
b) turning of a complete ship in a curve towards right r left, while it moves forward
c) rolling of a complete ship sideways
d) none of the mentioned

32.  When the pitching of a ship is upward, the effect of gyroscopic couple acting on it will be
a) to move the ship towards starboard
b) to move the ship towards port side
c) to raise the bow and lower the stern
d) to raise the stern and lower the bow

Also read : OR 0551 Renewable Energy Sources Mcq

                   ME 8595 Thermal Engineering 2 Mcq 

                  ME 8501 Metrology and measurements Mcq  

                 ME 8593 Dynamics of machines Mcq 

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